Monday, January 11, 2010

Nopalea and Stem Cells

Nopalea and Stem Cells

I attended an anti-aging conference recently. The discussions were about natural and pharmaceutical ways to slow the aging process and extend the vitality/longevity of humans. There were 20 speakers from around the world. All 20 of these physicians and professors eventually discussed stem cells as a way to slow aging and speed healing.

What are stem cells and how can they help us live long, healthy lives? Are there natural products that can assist us as we age?

What are stem cells?
At conception, cells begin to divide into what will become a person. Along the way the cells "differentiate" – that is, they become different tissues. Some become the heart, others the brain and so on until the complete human is formed. These are called "embryonic" stem cells. Highly controversial experiments are being conducted with samples of these cells.

Once a person is formed, does the human body stop making stem cells? No, because stem cells are part of our miraculous healing process. We make stem cells every day of our life. These are different from embryonic stem cells because they actually replace other cells. You see, every cell in your body has a life span. When that cell dies it needs to be replaced. Stem cells made in your bone marrow and other places in your body follow a chemical trail back to the place where the cell dies and "differentiate" into the type of cell that died.

Aging can be defined as the process of cell death and cell replacement. Premature aging is when more cells die than you can replace in a single day. Chronic disease and disability often accompany premature aging, as you might imagine. Stem cells replace dead cells. So, the more stem cells you can make in a day, the slower you are aging, the more vital you may be, and the less likely you are to experience the chronic diseases associated with premature aging. All 20 of the experts at the anti-aging conference endorsed doing all we can to promote stem cell production by our own body.

Making stem cells
As I mentioned, we make stem cells every day. Dying cells release enzymes into your bloodstream. Your brain interprets the level of enzymes and sends an appropriate amount of Human growth hormone (HgH). When the HgH reaches the bone marrow or other stem cell "nursery," it triggers the release of a number of stem cells that roughly correspond to the amount of HgH. The stem cells follow the chemical trail left by the enzymes of the dying cell. They follow the trail back to the space left by the dead cell and nestle into the tissues. Once there, they differentiate into the cell they replace – they literally become the exact type of cell they replaced.

Nutrients are required for making cells (including stem cells). If you are deficient in any critical nutrient at the moment you create stem cells, one of two things will happen:

  1. Your bone marrow will refuse the order to meet that quota of stem cells, causing premature aging, or
  2. The cells will be made, but without the nutrients critical for the health and longevity of the cell. When a deficient cell matures it becomes the target for inflammation and disease.
Cells need nutrients. Without all of the appropriate nutrients on board at all times, we will not be able to make as many healthy cells as we lose in a day. The disparity between how many cells we lose and how many we can replace is premature aging.

More stem cells
Nutrients serve as the foundation for stem cells. However, specific nutrients also stimulate the production of stem cells. At the anti-aging conference, six stem cell-stimulating nutrients were identified. As one speaker neared the end of his presentation, he talked about "a curious bioflavonoid" found in great abundance in prickly pears from the Nopal cactus. Of course, he was talking about Betalains! It turns out that Betalains along with Vitamin B-12 may help your body increase the production of stem cells.

More healthy stem cells close the gap between the numbers of cells that die and the number of cells we replace every day. That equals slower aging. So, take your nutrients every day: Men's and Women's Wellavoh for the nutrient foundation we need, Super Sublingual B-12 and Nopalea to encourage an abundant crop of anti-aging stem cells!

Take Control of Your Health

  • Get your sleep: HgH is released during deep sleep.
  • Exercise vigorously: HgH is released during strenuous exercise.
  • Eat a rainbow: colorful foods contain nutrients needed for stem cell production.
  • Take Men's and Women's Wellavoh for a solid foundation of nutrients.
  • Take Super Sublingual B-12 for healthy DNA/RNA reproduction.
  • Drink Nopalea: Betalains may help increase your production of stem cells.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

© 2010 TriVita, Inc.

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